We'll be cooking out with just a few friends this year. I'm sure it will be a good time, but I miss the 4th of Julys of my youth!
The day would start out on the Common at Lake Quannapowitt, with Doll Carriage/Wagon Parade... kids would decorate their carriages or wagons to win prizes... pet show... kids decorate their pets for prizes... bicycle/tricycle/scooter parade... relay races... popcorn vendors... cotton candy vendors... ice cream vendors... balloon/noise maker/flag vendors...
Then after the morning kid activities, we'd regroup at our house and head over to my dad's best friend's house to watch the parade. Crow (nickname for dad's best friend) has always been like a favorite uncle to me. Dad always bought my sister and me a bomb pop at the parade.

After the parade we'd hang around Crow's house at his cookout, for just a little while... then it was time to go up to Nana's house for the big cookout!
My dad was one of 11 kids... so I had tons of aunts & uncles & cousins! It was great!
I loved playing with my cousins. I can remember Auntie Mary with Uncle Joe, Auntie Cathy with Uncle Norman and Uncle Tommy with Auntie Ingrid... all when they were just dating. I thought they were all so cool! (They still are cool)
The cookouts weren't anything fancy. It was burgers & dogs... potato salad... Nana's chicken wings... tossed salad... soda... beer.... toll house cookies... Auntie Marie's no-bake cookies... basic cookout food... but was the BEST!
One year a streaker ran by!!! Auntie Linda was out front saying, "Hey streaker! Wait for me!" hehehe
There was also the Emerald Street Blues Band! That consisted pretty much of my uncles... mostly I remember them playing stuff like Ice Box Man and Elvira (my great-grandmother was Elvira)
We'd all eat and play and have fun all day until it was dark... then we'd all head back down to the lake with blankets to watch the fireworks!
A perfect end to a perfect 4th of July celebration with family and friends.
So our 4th of July won't be quite that busy. Just a few friends... some food...
From our backyard we can see fireworks for 5 or 6 different locations... they're small and in the distance... but we can see them all.
If our friends go to get a better look at fireworks, that's fine... if they don't, they can enjoy some PA legal fireworks fountains in the backyard. (after I give it a good soaking with the hose!)
Here's a little of we'll be having...
Potato Salad

Ranch Burgers... but they'll be turkey tomorrow.

Broccoli Salad

Porch Sangria

There will also be hot dogs and brats... steak tips... veggies... fruit... beer... and some kinda desserts!
Happy 4th of July!

1 comment:
Thanks for sharing your memories. Enjoy your holiday get together.
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