Looking for something new to make? Well... I'm hoping at least a couple of these will be something new to some of you. Or maybe they'll just make you remember a long forgotten favorite!
This is a mix of old favorites and newer favorites that end up on my holiday cookie trays. Click the cookie names or the pictures to take you to the recipes.
I'll start with my favorite! (I think these are Whitney's favorite too!)
Thumbprint Cookies

These are my mom's favorite. (well... they might not be her favorite, but of the cookies I make, they are her favorite!)
Swedish Tea Cakes

Aren't these on everyone's Christmas Cookie Trays?
Peanut Butter Blossoms

It's not a Christmas Cookie Tray if it doesn't have Mum's Cut Out Cookies on it!
Mum's Cut Out Cookies

These were my cousin Tami's favorite. We miss you Tami.
Peppermint Kisses

I wish these were on my trays every year. But they only make them once in a while. They seem like a lot of work. But once you get to making them they really aren't.
They are my second favorite!
Swedish Tosca Cookies

Is it really the holidays without these??
Rum Balls

These are a pretty new addition, but I LOVE the Toffee ChocoChip variation!
Icebox Shortbread Cookies

These are VERY popular with pretty much everyone who tries them. My mom has been making them for decades!
Rolo Cookies

I also make what Mum calls Press Drop Cookies... I think they are Spritz Cookies to the rest of the world. But I've been having cookie press issues for the past couple of years. This year I have a new to me, vintage cookie press... and I might have an electric one. So stay tuned Press Drop Cookies!
What goes on your holiday trays?
Is there anything that doesn't go on your holiday trays?
Much to our friend Jeff's dismay, you will never find a chocolate chip cookie on mine. You also won't find oatmeal cookies or any other cookie that I would consider an everyday kinda cookie.
But I do try to try a new cookie every year too!
So what's baking for your trays?