Sunday, April 5, 2009

BakeSpace Challenge ~ April

In the BakeSpace Test Kitchen we have a monthly cooking Challenge. Last month was Oodles of Noodles.

I thought I'd post this at the beginning of the month in case anyone wants to play along!

BakeSpace Challenge for April:

Choose 4 of the following 5 ingredients to create a dish heralding in the Spring or 2009.

Fava Beans
Rhubarb (As a hint: Rhubarb has some of the same flavor as the Herbs, Sorrel and Angelica.)

Spring is here, 'Old Man' Winter has past.
Till April's last day shall this challenge last.
4 of 5 must be choosen and in your pot cast
Create something incredible for your nightly repast.

I know what I'm making!

How about you??


Bob said...

Hmmm, doesn't look like I'm going to be playing along this month either. I don't care for artichokes or fava beans. I've never had rhubarb, that's something I've been meaning to try out. So you're just going to leave us in suspense about what you're making, aren't you? ;)

Kathleen said...

Hi Spryte!
That looks like fun..I hope I remember in May..
We eat Leeks and dh loves asparagus, but the rest..nope..
I'll be back to see what you make!
Kathleen (dishnut)

Spryte said...

Bob... I'll probably make something next weekend. =)

I hope you play next month Kathleen!